Tea Party Teddy's Legacy - Dianne Harman
Tea Party Teddy's Legacy by Dianne Harman neatly and very unexpectedly wraps up the story of the political fall out left by Teddy Randall's defeat. Dianne has as usual created another political masterpiece full of dirty tricks and backstabbing tactics that made this reader wonder why elect politicians in the first place.
Our hero from Tea Party Teddy, Bob Silva, who is now married to the ex-wife of Tea Party Teddy, Nina, decides to run for the California State Assembly against the Reverend Jim Thurston, a rabid Tea Party member. Dianne paints a lurid picture of complete opposites describing both opponents with such detail as to leave us in no doubt who should win. But will Reverend Jim seek revenge for the death of his friend, Tea Party Teddy? And if so what methods will he deploy befitting his nature?
Those methods are shocking in the extreme and lead to the most unexpected shock ending this reader could never have guessed. This political thriller is a whirlwind of emotions and a must read for all lovers of this genre.
I give FIVE STARS to Tea Party Teddy's Legacy and highly recommend it.