Fortune Calling: The Story of Dallas Fortune. (The Fortune Series) - Hunter S. Jones
Fortune Calling (The Fortune Series,#1) by Hunter S Jones is a heart-warming contemporary romance set in the harsh music world. The author pulled me in from the first chord and filled every page with notes both high and low to compose a masterful C&W operetta worthy of the Grand Ole Opry.
Dallas Fortune (love this name) struggles to make a name for herself in the brutal world of C&W. She can play a guitar with the best of them, but guitarists are a dime a dozen. Then one day she discovers a mandolin and her fortune changes in more ways than she could ever wish for.
Dallas falls in love with the hottest name in the business and plays in his band. She is also befriended by the biggest name ever who plays her fairy Godmother. But as often happens, it all comes crumbling down.
Alone and jobless, Dallas drifts along until she sees a neon sign that calls to her. She enters the shop and has her fortune read.
Will the cards put Dallas back onto the road to fortune, will her love life finally get put on track. The cards tell her something amazing, so read this wonderful book to find out.
A FIVE STAR drama/romance for all lovers of life music and fortunes waiting n the wings. Highly recommended.