I Call Myself Earth Girl - Jan Krause Greene
I Call Myself Earth Girl by Jan Krause Greene is a monument to writing at its best. This reader was simply blown away by the author's skill at hooking the reader right off page one and not letting go for an instant. This is one powerhouse of a read and is especially worthy as its many messages of hope, faith and love shine through every page that dares to overcome the reader with fear, doubt and pain.
The main character is Gloria aged 46 and mysteriously pregnant, not by her loving husband Jared but from an otherworldy source. This is where Earth Girl comes into the story, filling Gloria's dreams with her terrible life which mirrors all the sadness in this world. Gloria travels through her dreams in a living waking nightmare which forces Gloria to alter her thinking of how we perceive reality.
This wonderful book explores what we are and what we may become if we put our minds to it. Inner peace is within our grasp and this reader found it in this mystical book.
This is a FIVE STAR novel full of spiritual mysticism wrapped neatly in a thrilling mystery. Highly recommended.